Friday, November 12, 2010

Goalie Mask Itech Envy 7

Stupid tradition. Medinaceli: get yourself another fun

On Saturday November 13th at 23:30 pm in the Plaza Mayor de Medinaceli is held Toro Jubilo. It's essentially
polish * a bull and laugh at it. "Another fun

another party? NO. Another act innesario
, cruel and savage to the bull that man has invented solely for your amusement.

Relationship to the Church? As much. El Toro Jubilo traditional bullfighting is declared since 2002, and from November 12 until 20 will be carried out various religious and popular events on the occasion of the celebrations in honor of the Holy Bodies, among which is this dirty tradition.

go to hell.

* plunger a bull or a cow means to settle a tight iron devices with screws to the ends of their horns, which contain some balls with flammable liquid to burn as a torch for hours. Bulls fire
suffering, (...) for this reason it is not surprising that in some cases the bulls try to put an end to this martyrdom suicide, tumbling or throwing against a wall.


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