Sunday, November 28, 2010

Army Dui Counseling Examples

28N, a vote for the animals

November 28 elections to the Parliament of Catalonia.

A right not to be missed and a day crucial to ask the government for a tougher law against animal abuse and neglect. Because they need us, and batterers and abusers need much tougher laws and 'executable' to punish their cruel and savage acts.

And because they enjoy the Universal Declaration of Animal Rights from October 15, 1978, but there is much work to do yet.

The votes in favor of animal rights groups will serve to pressure the other parties to consider animal rights law in its programs and its policy of government.

Case Studies

Data in Spain and abroad are daunting.

35,794 cats rescued from the street in Spain in 2009 under the Affinity Foundation.

puppies thrown into the river to drown in Croatia or Bosnia (in research. ). Exhibition

a dog abused and starved by Guillermo Habacuc Vargas in Honduras. Cat

marinated with salt and spices and carried in a trunk discovered in Buffalo, New York. Councilman

English politician better known as the "Catkiller" of Talavera.

animal abuse cases in wild horses.

The case of a donkey which he hung a rock from 15 kilos to sink in the river on Galicia.

Cat thrown away in Coventry, England. ( )

Hamster stuck in a microwave in the UK

... ... and thousands of shocking news and certifying aberrant human cruelty to animals.

Unfortunately no specific evidence in Spain of many animal abuse cases are reported annually. Most end up in court thanks to partnerships in animal rights and all decisions are not expected or desirable. " Even worse, some do not even met.

penalties and penalties for animal abuse

Penal Code provides for prison sentences of three months to one year for cases of "abuse with cruelty to domestic animals" and yet no one has gone to prison in Spain for hitting an animal.

may also be fines and penalties depending on which animal in question and are marked by the laws of each region.

An example is in Navarra, where € 3,000 fine for mistreating an animal, or € 6,000 in Castilla-La Mancha. Catalonia and Aragon have higher penalties to € 150,000 and € 200,000 respectively.

Bullfights are excluded from these texts and closures and festivals involving animals are welcome as long as they are framed within the cultural tradition. There is another problem. Because these "celebrations" are not considered as direct abuse of animals.

in the Netherlands since 2006 the party animals has representation in the legislative Cambras. Will he succeed Catalunya?

Remember the animals now and forever.



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