Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How To Get Notified Before A Fire Drill

Gaming at the thought of leading scholars of law

Here are some ideas on the scope of the game, from different points of view about its essential features, among other considerations, which arise from the thought of notable scholars from different historical times.

J. Huizinga: The game is an action or a voluntary activity carried out in certain fixed limits of time and place, as a rule freely accepted but absolutely compelling, provided with an end in itself, with a feeling of tension and joy, and awareness of being otherwise than in real life.

J. Chateau:
The oldest child of three years is not carried by an invincible tendency to play, know what play it is in the grounds, therefore, where you should find the beginning of the game engine.

DW Winnicott:
The play has a place and time ... not found "inside" (...) is also "out." (...) (...) Play is to always remember is that the game is itself a therapy. (...) In it, and perhaps only he, the child or adult are free to be creative.

Florencio Escardó:
The game begins as the baby a very powerful life activity that directs the motor training, postural, sensory and communication with the outside world. Gradually acquiring powerful qualities and focuses on the time of magical thinking and symbolization, ultimately setting the school to be organized activity and acceptance of rules, commitments and penalties ...

S. Freud:
could say that each child in your game, it behaves like a poet, as it creates its own world, or rather, rearranges things of his world in a new way that pleases him.
psychodynamic (...) Among the peculiarities of the game are: a) is based on the principle of pleasure, b) achieves the transformation of passive into active, thanks to which the child gets the domain experience of their traumatic experiences, c) satisfies the repetition compulsion of learning that it strikes and the pleasure derived from the repetition itself.

Jean Piaget:
The game is the product of assimilation which is dissociated from the accommodation before returning in the form of permanent equilibrium, which will make it their complementary operational thought or rational. In this sense, the game is the extreme pole of assimilation of the real to me, and participates at the same time, as an assimilator of the creative imagination that will remain the driving force behind further thought and to reason.



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