Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Order Immunization Records Ontario

your signature is required to change the laws against animal abuse

"Murderer Knin." Who the Feb. 8 abused to death a dog breed Pomenaria Lulu, Schnauzi in Badajoz (Spain).

barbarism, explained by the murderer himself:
1. Fracture to the right front.
2. Insulated clamp

3. Cigarette burn on foot, ear and muzzle (the muzzle has been to check reflexes).

4. Rectal penetration sharps (I have not recorded so they can see

5. Physical abuse (11 hours total), including their own droppings intake.
6. Death by suffocation slow and painful, much as it has endured.

7. Practice of "Christ", ie, fracturing his shoulder blades and move their feet to the opposite position.

No need to comment, now it is important to get diluted tears, helplessness, anger and despair to ever have to read or see news of this kind. In

this page you can read this and the research being carried out. Http://

The news was echoed in many ways, here some: / cachorros/elpepusoc/20110217elpepusoc_8/Tes
http:/ / -de-signing-to-ask-the-penalty-maxima-for-the-murderer-of-puppies-for-badajoz.html

Open Web as a platform against the murderer:

And here I put a link to get stronger and change English law of animal protection and toughen penalties for animal abuse:
are needed 500,000 1978 signatures and we (as of today and at this point).

not stay without doing anything! Search

Facebook pages and events that have been created, launched and disseminated information on Twitter (with hashtag # asesinoknino) and revulsion against the suffering of Schnauzi and against animal abuse. And
signature please, and many firms are missing a short time (about one month from today.)
We can not allow this, nor any more.
And above all, the murderers can not go unpunished to such an event.


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