Saturday, March 26, 2011

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Our voice

Friday, March 25, 2011

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Four cats with hope

not expect a crowd at the March 25 demonstration in Barcelona against animal abuse, and suspected that such cases do not mobilize a large proportion of the population but did not think we'd be four cats.

Instead, it envisioned a display of animal associations, large banners and witness the odd local media. But it has not been well. Neither
middle of the plaza Sant Jaume is filled to witness the shy cries "abusers, murderers" and hear the anger and revulsion that seemed have thousands of people signed up to the event from social networks. The other half filled square the bystanders, an ambulance and some other city police car.

Yes I have seen banners in memory of pets accompanying Schnauzi and, hopefully, their owners and owners to the demonstration that wanted to become a national symbol with impact against animal abuse.

I get many questions unanswered. Do animal abuse cases do not matter to Catalan society? Will the crisis? "Poor media coverage? What are we to make ends meet? Should have been done on a Saturday instead of Friday? "Barcelona was working?
And to make matters worse, a tiny concentration of people (with banner and megaphone), out of context, which called for economic change and has benefited from the eyes of those who have joined us today for another reason. He did not play.

But I've been there with four cats. And I have hope that the voice of a poc @ s a precedent little by little, and the journey through the streets and the small stage that was to come was more successful.
And as it says a great friend of mine, "I think if you had not gone the gap would be greater."

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Inscription For Cookbook

view reality differently

Monday, March 21, 2011

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Spain against animal abuse

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March 25 will be your voice and you

Spain against animal abuse

From all English autonomous communities will hold a protest for tougher penalties for animal abuse. Tod @ s can (and should) exercise the right to petition our government by our firm, and demand tougher sentences such regulated in the Penal Code.

What should you do?

1. Signature.
Download the sheet to collect signatures and submit before April 30 to the address you see here: Http://

2. Find out about the time and place of the manifestation of your province and it goes :
3. Register with your agenda the appointment March 25.

Schnauzi is not the only case for which we express. If you do not want to see more cases like Bangkok, if not bear to see dogs left in the road, strangled animals, beaten, raped, burned just for fun, scary pictures and videos puppy thrown into the river, tucked in a microwave hamsters, cats dumped in containers ...
... If you do not want to keep seeing the sad look of a hungry dog \u200b\u200bor cat left on the street or in a parking ...
Kennels full of animals ... because of people who no longer wanted and got rid of them ...
... If you think he never would, if you believe in love and respect ...

... And if you want the perpetrators pay for their acts as it should , join on 25 March.

We are your voice! Join that the penalty of 3 months to 1 year in jail for abuse and murder of an animal in Spain is already history.
If Catalunya got 180,000 signatures by Popular Legislative Initiative to abolish bullfighting, Spain can make individuals (adjective I'd rather not mention) pay for the damage they do to helpless.
Spread the word among your contacts! Shew against animal cruelty on 25 March.

Manis convened in each autonomous community:


Friday, March 4, 2011

Who Makes Mountain King Christmas Trees


not contain harsh images, containing hope and thanks to everyone s we fight animal abuse.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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