Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Do I Know When My Period Is Over?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pedicure Got Infection


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Preperation H For Thinner Waist


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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Congrasulation For Pregnant

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Facebook Unremove Posts

against animal abuse in the heart. Dedicated to

How sad to read aberrations and atrocities every day. What impotence
having to listen to the abuse that some humans do to others.
And what causes me pain to see a defenseless animal, bone, and with a pained look due to a human being (for lack of a way.)
Perdi, a young female Dalmatian, has been battered and raped by a big bastard.
abuse has been such that I lost came with intestines protruding from his body.
The dog, without anthelmintic, without chip and with scabies, was found in a sorry state of malnutrition, to the point of eating their own excrement.

girl Procani of Seville the patron is instructed to take it to the vet, where she sewed and made the first care.

The ultrasound found a foreign body inside, feeling that it was a stick that was inserted through the anus.
has been advised not to operate again until it reaches a low recovery, due to its poor health and dehydration caused by diarrhea and blood loss. Lost
has been the star of thousands of pages on Facebook cheering animalistic justice.
A bank account is being used for everyone, with heart, contribute donations to help defray the cost of cure and animal transport.
The Dalmatian will travel to Barcelona on Wednesday 05/01/1911 where it will be visited by the veterinarian who works with the SOS Association s Dalmatian, who will take care of it and look for an adopter.

want my help and that of all people who have shown their love for her, I lost serve again to rely on being human ... and your new family treated with respect and with all the love she deserves.
